Extracts from Glasgow City Centre Living Strategy Vision – 2035

Executive Summary – …to enable a sustainable, inclusive and diverse city centre population. …double the current population of around 20,000 by 2035.

Avenues programme …will significantly improve the liveability of the city centre by creating better places and spaces for people, and with its promotion of green infrastructure. 

Councillor Susan Aitken – “…Glasgow the best place to raise a family, to start a business, to live a good life – “ …to attract more individuals and families, …surrounded by great public spaces with easy access to nature, …

Introduction – 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; In particular, Goal 11: In particular, Goal 11: …creating green public spaces.

Page 13 – … refocus on the city centre as a place for living, working and socialising. … over 65 … group are more lifestyle driven … to have access to leisure and amenities.

Merchant City (p23) – The Merchant City can be considered a blueprint for creating a desirable area with a positive mix of uses … SMART Recommendations – It is important that future development maintains this mix of uses to ensure that the area continues to offer a destination experience …

Benefits of compact cities (p28) – Reduction in reliance on cars – Increased social inclusiveness and reduction in social segregation through designing quality mixed-use areas. 

Page 38 – The compact urban form highlights the value placed upon proximity and ease of contact between people. …making the most of human interaction …in an ideal situation, residents should be able to access a variety of services such as green space, …

ten characteristics … where people want to live, (p48) – ‘a place to live in nature’ – 

The CCLS aims to deliver a place where people want to live, .. , immersed in nature and sustainable; places able to foster a sense of belonging,

NB: This strategy’s primary aim is to encourage increased city centre living though increase housing stock and making Glasgow a desirable international city. 

Read more: Glasgow City Centre Living Strategy 2035